Sunday, October 3, 2010

Felix mystery by Lillie Pennington

There is not enough evidence to prove that anyone is guilty.

There is not a body. You need the body to run tests and give more clues to see if anyone is guilty. Without the body we can only look at evidence from the scene or from what the witnesses tell us.

The witness reports overlap. There is not enough information to say where the witnesses actually were. The reports say that witness could be in the same place, but other witness reports suggest that the witness could be in a different place all together.

There is no obvious murder weapon. If Felix was killed, we would not some sort of weapon or poison. At the crime scene, no such weapon was found.

No all evidence can be proven. With what little evidence that there is, much of it can not be proven. For example, a piece of thread off of Kendra's shirt does not say anything about the crime itself or even the the thread came from Kendra's shirt. 

There is no proof that Felix is dead. There is no blood to show any signs of trauma. Some reports indicated Felix was alive at the bus station after being reported missing.

Gene can not be proven guilty. Evidence shows that he was on the beach during the time when Felix was supposed to have been killed. Therefore he appears to be innocent.

There is not enough evidence to prove that Kendra is guilty. The only evidence pointing to her is the fact that her finger prints were found on the inside of Felix's Coke cup. This is not enough evidence to prove she is guilty of harming Felix.

Vera appears to also be innocent. There is no evidence that directly points towards her. Therefore, there no reason to suspect her.

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